Saturday, September 7, 2013

An Seòltachd | The Method

As much as it annoys me, I'm going to have to write the majority of this blog in Beurla. It takes me far to long and requires a lot of Gaelic phrases that I haven't learned yet in order to talk about all the things we'd like to with this blog. Bidh mi a' sgriobhadh ann Gàidhlig Bhriste ma tha mi tairgse. I will write in broken Gaelic if I'm able. But to get my point across it seems I'l still be stuck in English for a while. That's one of the challenges we all face when learning Gaelic at a later age, or any language for that matter. None of us are used to having the conversational abilities of a five year old. Many of us aren't used to speaking in our new language at all. That is where I was before we started this trip, and that is what I want to talk about today. The learners roadblocks to conversation and the method we used to get beyond that.

That last paragraph took me about a minute to write. Of that, the single gaelic sentence was about half the time, mainly because I had to go look up a phrase I'm not used to using. It makes sense when you think about it, the biggest challenge facing us learners is practice, using the language as we get it, and gaining more of it that way.

I consider myself a fairly accomplished English user and I love to talk and write. It's a comfort level that has taken approximately 166,000 hours of full immersion in the language including classroom studies, grammar, writing, and every other study I've ever had. It's little surprise then that I'm comfortable in the language. All of the idoms and phrases I need are there ready to access. In comparison I've been learning Gaelic for all of three years and of that time I've only been immersed in it for about 150 hours; nearly half of that happened during our week in Cape Breton.

The success of our immersion week wasn't just in the class but also in how we decided to handle our learning while we were there. We decided, on our drive up, that from the time we reached the Canadian border we were going to use nothing but Gaelic whether we were in the classroom or not. For the most part we were able to stick to that plan. What it meant was we had 8 hours a day for five days of guided immersion from our instructor, Angus, and that we also force ourselves into using gaelic in unfamiliar situations. We had to learn to discuss cooking, our day plan, grocery shopping, small talk, everything had to be in Gaelic, and we didn't always have it. It could definitely be frustrating, especially for someone as gabby as me; for example, we were looking for a place to eat in St. Johns, New Brunswick. We wanted something quick like a sandwich shop because we were pressed for time. We were giving directions, guessing, and talking about our preferences in Gaelic, and we were getting lost; we couldn't find anything, except pizza (Canada, we need to talk, we think you may have a problem). Eventually as we crossed an under-construction bridge for the second time, in the wrong direction, we lost our patience; "English until we eat." It was a little bit of a defeat but we were learning as well.

Through the week as we got more comfortable, and we learned what questions to ask, Gaelic became easier. There was actually a point where I felt a little odd speaking English on the phone with my family. It was getting to be second nature, after the third day, to try and get our point across in the Gaelic we had and asking questions about the Gaelic we didn't. Everyone in our class, no matter what their level gained a lot of experience with the language. It rang through Angus' house on a daily basis even during the times we were permitted to use English. In forcing myself to try and express myself in Gaelic I learned new words and phrases from the people I spoke to. When I would get stuck on a phrase I could usually stumble through a kindergarten version of what I was trying to say. It was enough to be understood and often would lead to some new Gaelic to use.

Usage is the key to learning the language and gaining confidence. A guided immersion is a great way to do that, and the longer the better, however that option isn't always available. It is however more than possible to do your own immersion and change the way you think. Two of our classmates, Stephen and Nona, had made the decision to make Gaelic the language of their home, and just quit using English as much as they could. They now have a very good grasp of the language and are more than comfortable in conversation. I've read about others doing the same; it's an ambitious approach and will certainly yeild results. If you're not that confident, or if like me your family aren't on board with Gaelic only, you can turn any portion of your day to day life into immersion. Try only ever counting in Gaelic, pick some games you or your family like to play that can be played in Gaelic (I can teach you blackjack or go fish). Use Gaelic for specific activities, prepping meals, going for a drive, shopping, etc. You can find enough online to be able to make shopping lists, for example. Anything you can do to lodge the Gaelic in your brains will make it easier to use and will eventually flow over to other areas of your Gaelic learning.

The important takeaway is don't get discouraged and use what you have.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

An Chlachan Gaidhealach| The Highland Village

Tha sinn seo! Ràinig sinn ann an Cheap Breatainn an-diugh!

Chuir sinn air dòigh an chungaidh againn ann an car agus chuir sinn na maillaidean aig An Fadalach ann an car. 'S e loma-lòn a bha an car ach bha a h-uile rud ann. 'S e Tetris-Master a th'annam!

Thòisich sinn a Ceap Breatainn is an Chlachan Gaidhealach. Chunnaic sinn an Chaolas Chanso agus Cheap Breatainn às dèidh dà uair. Chaidh sinn a thairis an chabhsair agus chaidh sinn air seachran a dh'aon ruith... a-rithist. Chan eil mi math leis an timcheallanan, a-réir coltais.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

An Feusag / The Beard

Halo, a h-uile daoine,
'S mise Breandán "An Feusag" MacSuibhne. 'S e innleadair a th' annam. Tha mi a' fuireach ann an Bhirginia faisg air a mhuir. Thoiseach mi leis a' Ghàidhlig o chionn trì bliandna. Carson a bha mi ag iarraidh ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? Uill, 'S toil leam an blas na Gàidhlig agus mo sinnsearan à Alba agus Èirinn. Tha Gàidhlig briste agam-sa aig àm sin ach tha ma an dòchas gum bi e nas fheàrr ás déidh an turas seo. Sin e as-drasta on a tha an bataraidh ìosal.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

An Teachd | The Arrival

Ràinig sinn ann an Halifax feasgar Dihaoine as dèidh là fada anns an càr. Dhràibh sinn trìd Maine tuath agus Brunswick Nuadh. Bha sinn ag iarraidh a dh'ithe ann an Naomh Iain ach chan eil taigh-bliadhna ach bùth pìotsa! Bha sinn ag iarraidh a dh'ithe rudeigin luath faisg air an rathad ach chan eil rud sam bith. Chaidh sinn air seachran (is chaid sinn thairis drocaid slaodach dà thuras) agus thuirt sinn, "Rachamaid. Cha toigh leinn Naomh Iain." Chaid sinn a' buannachd gu Alba Nuadh agus stad sinn ann an Baile Bhòid ag Subway.

An Guth | The Voice

Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Ghadhlig airson a'seinne an oranan na Ghadhlig.  Dh'ionnsaichinn Ghadhlig bho ceithir bliadhna agus tha dochas agam gu bidh mi nas fhearr.  Tha oranan na Ghadhlig a tha breagha agus eachdraiche agus dubhlan, ach tha e uile dibhearsan.    Tha mi ag obair aig an ionad-slainte ann a Chesapeake, VA. Tha Dietitian a tha annam. Tha mi an dochas gun bith Jason ag ithe glasraichan aig an ceann an turas cuideachd.

An Mhaille | The Delay

Tha sinn duillich. Feum sinn a' toirt duibh moran postaichean-blog. Sgrìobhaidh sinn a dh'aithghearr.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Air an Rathad A-Rithist

Bha an t-uisge ann sa mhadainn. Bha i fluich agus gras. Dh'fhag sinn New Castle, Delaware aig 7:30. Stad sinn a dh'ithe an-dràsta aig taigh-biadh Meagsagach.

Tha sinn a' dochas a chur an t-uisge air cùl sinn. Bidh sinn a' toisich a-rithist a-nis.

It was raining this morning. It was wet and grey. We left New Castle Delaware at 7:30. We just now stopped to eat at a Mexican Restaurant.

We are hoping to put the rain behind us. We will be starting again now.

[Update] 9:21, now with English.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

An Carbadair | The Driver

Halo! 'S mise Jason. Tha fichead bhliadhna 's naoi agam agus fiureach mi ann an Norfolk. 'S e an  carbaidair a th'annam air an turas sin.

Rugadh mi ann an Sassan agus dh'fhag mo teaghlac gu Na Staitean Aonitche am feadh 's a bha mi òg. 

Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig bho tri bhliadhna. Thoisich mi ag ionnsachadh ann an Seattle le Slighe nan Ghàidheal agus air loidhne mi fhein. Cha robh ach Gàidhlig beag agam nuair dh'imrich mi gu Norfolk. A-nis tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig les an Tidewater Scottish Society.

Air an Rathad | On the Road

Tha sinn air an rathad!  Dh'fhag sinn aig 3:48 a Chesapeake agus tha sinn anns an Delaware a-nis. Chunnaic Chonnie a-chiad segh aice mar tha.

We are on the road! We left at 3:48 from Chesapeake and we are in Delaware now. Connie saw her first moose already.

Thuirt an te-frithealaiche dhuinn gum bi speed traps air beulaibh. Tapadh leibh! 'S e 'speed trap bait' a th' annam.

The waitress told us there are speed traps ahead. Thank you! I am speed trap bait.

[Le Jason]

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

An Rathad | The Road

Tha seo an rathad gum bi sinn a' draibheadh gu Ceap Breatainn. Tha e ceithir deug uirean 's dha fichead agus tri mìle mhìltean nas  mun cuairt. Bidh e a' glacail dha lathean a dhèanamh Halifax.

This is the road we will be driving to Cape Breton. It is fifty-four hours and more than three thousand miles round trip. It will take us two days to make Halifax.

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Fàilte agus tapadh leibh,

Fàilte gu an blog againn. Tha sinn sona gu bheil sibh an seo. 'S e an latha Diciadain gum bi sinn a' falbh do Ceap Breatainn. Bidh sinn a' draibheadh bho Norfolk, Virginia tarsainn an Baigh Chesapeake, trìd New York, Boston, agus Portland. Bidh an draibh dha lathean tùs is earr.

Tha sinn a' planadh moran spòrsachan agus tha càirdean ur againn mu thràth. Bidh an turas sin glè inntinneach!

Welcome and thank you all,

Welcome to our blog. We are happy that you're here. Wednesday is the day that we will be leaving for Cape Breton. We will be driving from Norfolk, Virginia across the Chesapeake Bay, through New York, Boston, and Portland. The drive will be two days start to finish.

We are planning many activities and we have new friends already. This trip will be very interesting.

A note on our Gàidhlig: The four of us are all fairly recent beginners, most of us have classroom conversational experience and not much else. If the language of our posts seems simple it's because we're writing in Gàidhlig first and we're not at a high writing level yet. We welcome any constructive criticism you may have, after all, that's what this trip is about; communicating better in the Scottish language.